kisee ghatana ke upalaksh men khule maidaan men jalaayee gaee aag example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word kisee ghatana ke upalaksh men khule maidaan men jalaayee gaee aag usage in english sentences. The examples of kisee ghatana ke upalaksh men khule maidaan men jalaayee gaee aag are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., fire.

The fire in the furnaces has not yet been extinguished.

The fire in the furnaces had not yet been extinguished.
We will now learn about the places in the world where people have learned to cope with extreme harsh temperatures; in some places as hot as fire and some as cold as ice.
It was as if a thick leaden rod — no, a rod made of molten fire — was slowly but powerfully crushing my arm.
The discovery of fire led to the practice of cooking and other processes while the invention of the wheel ultimately resulted in development of newer modes of transport.
They captured guns and ammunition and set fire to the buildings and properties of the British and declared war on the firangis.
Provision for crop insurance against drought, flood, cyclone, fire and disease, establishment of Grameen banks, cooperative societies and banks for providing loan facilities to the farmers at lower rates of interest were some important steps in this direction.
It was a cold and windy fall day, and we had a fire going in our fireplace.
My mother kept stoking the fire to keep the house nice and warm.
I ran to the neighbours to call the fire department, while I watched my mother run back into the house.
संबंधित शब्द किसी घटना के उपलक्ष में खुले मैदान में जलायी गई आग के पर्यायवाची किसी घटना के उपलक्ष में खुले मैदान में जलायी गई आग के विपरीत शब्द